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VOTE!! A Call To Action

VOTE!! A Call To Action 

Elections and vote tick. Campaigning for voting.

As I sat in the forum for candidates running for a local Congressional seat, I was struck by the openness and informativeness of the discussion. The candidates shared their positions on various topics, from climate change to local schools. However, what left me disheartened was the noticeable absence of young people. As someone in their 60s, I consider anyone under 40 to be young, and it’s crucial that this demographic is engaged in the political process.
As a moderate Democrat, I believe that government exists to improve people’s lives and create a safer, more equitable society. I’m perplexed by the willingness of some individuals to accept lies and corruption, exemplified by Donald Trump. This goes beyond political affiliations or religious beliefs; it’s a choice between right and wrong, decency and corruption.
Trump’s history is well-documented, from his questionable business practices to his personal life. As a New Yorker, I’ve seen firsthand how he’s taken advantage of small business owners and disregarded the truth. His behavior is not befitting of a role model, and it’s essential to recognize this.
I urge Americans to put aside their political biases and consider the character of the person they’re supporting. Would you want this individual as a family member, a friend, or someone you trust with your life savings? Would you trust them to prioritize the well-being of others in times of crisis?
The future of America hangs in the balance, and it’s crucial that we don’t become complacent. Democracy is not a spectator sport; it requires active participation and engagement. I implore undecided and stay-at-home voters to take action and make their voices heard. The consequences of inaction will be dire, leading to a decline in our country’s values and principles.

Additional Data and Details:

  • A Pew Research Center study found that in the 2020 presidential election, only 51% of eligible voters aged 18-29 cast ballots, compared to 71% of those aged 65 and older. (Source: Pew Research Center)
  • A survey by the Knight Foundation found that 60% of Americans believe that democracy is under threat, but only 40% are engaged in civic activities. (Source: Knight Foundation)
  • The United States ranks 27th in voter turnout among developed democracies, according to a report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). (Source: OECD)

Call to Action:

I urge all citizens, particularly the young and undecided, to take an active role in shaping America’s future. Register to vote, attend political forums, and engage in respectful discussions with others. Remember, democracy is not a spectator sport; it requires our collective participation to thrive.
The Stakes Have Never Been Higher
We’ve heard it before – “The most important election ever” – but this time, the sentiment rings eerily true. For the first time, I’ve witnessed genuine fear in the eyes of Americans, a palpable sense of dread that if Donald Trump returns to power, the America we know will cease to exist. People are losing sleep, seeking counseling, and contemplating actual exile – not just idle threats. A majority of Americans are genuinely terrified of a future under a more cunning and ruthless Trump, one who seeks not just personal gain but a monarchy or dictatorship. The stakes have never been higher, and the consequences of inaction will be dire. So, I urge you – please, vote. It might be your last chance to safeguard the future of our democracy.
David Laguerre
David Laguerre

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