HomeBlack PerspectiveEric Hovde: Wisconsin Senate Candidate's Controversial Stance on Voting Rights

Eric Hovde: Wisconsin Senate Candidate’s Controversial Stance on Voting Rights

Eric Hovde: A Profile of Wisconsin’s Senate Candidate and His Controversial Remarks


Eric Hovde is a name that resonates with many in Wisconsin, particularly those attuned to the state’s political and business landscapes. A multifaceted individual, Hovde is an accomplished businessman, philanthropist, and political figure whose journey through these arenas provides a compelling narrative. This blog post delves into who Eric Hovde is, his political stance, why he is a significant figure in American politics today, and an analysis of his recent controversial statements about voting rights for older adults.

 Who is Eric Hovde?

Eric Hovde was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and has deep roots in the state. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Economics and Political Science, which set the foundation for his future endeavors in both business and politics. Hovde’s professional career is marked by his successful ventures in real estate and financial services. He is the CEO of Hovde Properties, a real estate development firm, and Hovde Capital Advisors, an investment management firm.

Beyond his business acumen, Hovde is known for his philanthropic efforts. He has established the Hovde Foundation, which focuses on providing support to vulnerable children and families, both in the United States and internationally. His commitment to social causes underscores his belief in giving back to the community and supporting those in need.

Political Stance and Ideology

Eric Hovde’s political journey began with his bid for the U.S. Senate in 2012. Running as a Republican, Hovde positioned himself as a fiscal conservative, advocating for limited government intervention, reduced federal spending, and tax reform. Although he did not win the primary, his campaign left a lasting impression, highlighting key aspects of his political ideology.

Fiscal Conservatism: At the core of Hovde’s political stance is fiscal conservatism. He advocates for reducing the national debt, cutting unnecessary government spending, and implementing tax policies that stimulate economic growth. Hovde believes that a smaller, more efficient government is crucial for the nation’s prosperity.

Healthcare Reform: Hovde is a proponent of healthcare reform that emphasizes market-based solutions. He has criticized the Affordable Care Act, advocating instead for policies that increase competition among insurers and reduce regulatory burdens, which he believes will lower costs and improve the quality of care.

Economic Growth: A successful entrepreneur, Hovde champions policies that foster economic growth and innovation. He supports deregulation and believes that reducing bureaucratic red tape will enable businesses to thrive and create jobs. His business background gives him a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing American enterprises.

National Security and Immigration: Hovde has expressed strong views on national security, advocating for a robust defense system to protect the nation from external threats. On immigration, he supports securing the borders and implementing a merit-based immigration system that prioritizes skilled workers and those who contribute positively to society.

Education: Recognizing the importance of education in shaping the future, Hovde advocates for educational reforms that promote school choice and competition. He believes that empowering parents with the ability to choose the best educational options for their children will lead to improved outcomes and a more skilled workforce.

 Recent Controversial Remarks

Eric Hovde recently sparked controversy with statements suggesting that older adults should not be allowed to vote. This remark has drawn significant criticism and debate, raising questions about his views on democracy and voter rights.

The Controversy: In a public forum, Hovde remarked that individuals of advanced age should potentially be restricted from voting due to concerns about their ability to make informed decisions that impact future generations. This statement was met with immediate backlash from various groups, including senior citizens’ advocates and proponents of voter rights.


Impact on Democracy: Restricting voting rights based on age undermines the principles of democracy and equal representation. Every citizen, regardless of age, has the right to participate in the democratic process. Suggesting otherwise sets a dangerous precedent that could lead to other forms of disenfranchisement.
Ageism: Hovde’s remarks can be seen as ageist, implying that older adults are less capable of making informed decisions. This disregards the valuable contributions and wisdom that seniors bring to society and the voting process.
Political Consequences: Such statements could alienate a significant voter base. Older adults are a powerful demographic in elections, and dismissing their right to vote could severely damage Hovde’s political standing and credibility.
Ethical Considerations: Ethically, the suggestion to disenfranchise older voters is problematic. It challenges the notion of universal suffrage and equality before the law, core tenets of American democracy.

 Why Should We Know About Eric Hovde?

Eric Hovde is more than just a businessman turned politician; he is a figure who embodies the intersection of economic expertise and public service. His contributions to the business world, combined with his philanthropic endeavors, reflect a commitment to improving society. Hovde’s political platform, grounded in fiscal conservatism and market-driven solutions, offers a distinct perspective within the Republican Party.

As a potential candidate for future political races, Hovde’s views and policies will likely continue to influence public discourse, particularly in Wisconsin. Understanding his background, ideology, and vision for the country provides valuable insight into the broader dynamics of American politics.

In a political landscape often characterized by polarization, Eric Hovde represents a voice advocating for pragmatic solutions and fiscal responsibility. However, his recent controversial remarks about older voters highlight the importance of examining and critically evaluating the views of public figures.


In my opinion, life gives you wisdom and passion, it lets you become a better judge of character and quite frankly it’s something that you are owed by society for paving the way.

Life is a journey that bestows wisdom and passion upon us as we age, allowing us to become better judges of character. It is a gift earned through experience, and it is something society owes to those who have paved the way. Eric Hovde’s suggestion to restrict voting rights for older adults disregards the invaluable insights and contributions that come with age. It challenges the very core of democratic principles and equality. In a nation that prides itself on the right to vote, we must uphold this right for every citizen, regardless of age. Hovde’s comments serve as a reminder to critically assess the views of those who seek to lead us, ensuring that our democratic values remain intact and respected for all generations.

David Laguerre
David Laguerre

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