Can Vitamin C Cure Sepsis

By Elizabeth Szlek, Wellness Counselor                         Just yesterday an article appeared in my email inbox concerning new work on treating the terrible condition of sepsis. If you are not familiar with the term sepsis,...

Greek Beans and Cabbage

By Elizabeth Szlek; Wellness Counselor   Here’s a wonderful winter recipe that will please everyone, and it is loaded with healthy beans and cabbage. A true peasant dish! Just add some homemade crusty bread, and voilá-...

The Eternal Heart By: Dave Roberts

By Dave Roberts For the majority of my life, I never believed that our loved ones could survive death by communicating their continued existence to us. I tended to dismiss any phenomenon that couldn’t be...

Beet Salad

By Elizabeth Szlek, Wellness Counselor This salad is loaded with foods of high nutritional benefit. All of the ingredients will promote good health and even good digestion. You may not like beets, but your body...

The Wisdom of the Greeks

  It seems that the time has come to look back to the wisdom of the Greeks since many of us are utterly confused by the current state of medicine and nutrition. TMI, for sure!...

Working with Parents Whose Children Have Died

By: Dave Roberts: “The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.”-C.G. Jung Human service professionals will inevitably address grief and loss issues with individuals requesting services...