Broken Places

By Dave Roberts Several years ago, I saw a promotional ad on television for the show “Intervention” which included a quote from Ernest Hemingway, one of the great American authors of our time: “The world...

Beet Salad

By Elizabeth Szlek, Wellness Counselor This salad is loaded with foods of high nutritional benefit. All of the ingredients will promote good health and even good digestion. You may not like beets, but your body...

Poor Diet and Death

By Elizabeth Szlek, Wellness Counselor For thousands of years, the main job in everyone’s life was to find enough food to survive. Hunting and gathering takes a long time and depending on location or climate...

Can Vitamin C Cure Sepsis

By Elizabeth Szlek, Wellness Counselor                         Just yesterday an article appeared in my email inbox concerning new work on treating the terrible condition of sepsis. If you are not familiar with the term sepsis,...

How Will You Stay Healthy in 2018? Your Diet!

By Elizabeth Szlek The new year is upon us, and as usual, we are inundated with many messages on how to lose weight, exercise more and so on. This is all well and good, but...

Working with Parents Whose Children Have Died

By: Dave Roberts: “The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.”-C.G. Jung Human service professionals will inevitably address grief and loss issues with individuals requesting services...

Doula Digest: There’s No Place Like Home

By: Naomi Starsiak As I’m writing this, Central New York is having its first big snow of the winter. Piles of fat, fluffy snowflakes have covered everything and all I want to do is curl...

Immune Boost Pasta

Lots of foods are immune boosters, but this dish is loaded with them! Garlic is antibiotic, and anchovies provide wonderful immune-system boosting Omega-3 oil. Swiss chard is loaded with vitamins and minerals! Ingredients: One bunch...

The Eternal Heart By: Dave Roberts

By Dave Roberts For the majority of my life, I never believed that our loved ones could survive death by communicating their continued existence to us. I tended to dismiss any phenomenon that couldn’t be...

Falling Leaves Pasta

By Elizabeth Szlek I always make this pasta in the fall, because the colors remind me of the beautiful falling leaves! Ingredients: 8 oz. penne rigate 1 bunch fresh broccoli, cut into florets Sea salt 1 bunch scallions, sliced thin Extra...